Friday 1 March 2024

How to create a secure password for online accounts?

How to Create a Secure Password for Online Accounts

Passwords are an essential part of protecting your online accounts. With the rising number of data breaches and cyber threats, having a strong and unique password has become more important than ever. This article provides a step-by-step guide to creating secure passwords along with tips to manage them properly.

Why Passwords Matter

Passwords act as the first line of defense to safeguard your sensitive information and data stored online. Weak passwords that are easy to guess can allow hackers easy access. Some alarming statistics on password insecurity:

  • Over 80% of hacking related breaches happen due to weak passwords
  • The most common passwords like "123456" and "password" can be cracked in less than a second
  • People use the same password for multiple sites, allowing breaches to spread

This highlights the need to put some effort into creating secure passwords.

How to Create Strong Passwords

Follow these best practices to ensure your passwords are strong enough against guessing and brute-force attacks:

Length Matters

  • Use a minimum of 12 characters for important accounts like email, banking etc.
  • For low risk websites 8-10 characters are reasonable

Include Numbers, Symbols and Uppercase Letters

  • Using different types of characters makes passwords complex
  • Numbers like 2, 5, 7 and symbols like @, &, ! make password cracking much harder
  • Don't forget uppercase letters in the mix

Avoid Personal Information

  • Don't base the password on personal data like name, birthday, anniversaries that is easy to find via social media
  • Avoid dictionary words and common strings like "Pass123"

Don't Repeat Passwords

  • Unique passwords should be used for every account
  • Reusing the same password is risky if one site gets hacked

Use Passphrases For Strong Memorable Passwords

  • Passphrases using 4-5 random words are easy to remember but hard to crack
  • For example "bookbunnymugtree"

How to Manage Passwords

With complex unique passwords, recalling them becomes difficult. Use these tips to handle passwords:

  • Use a dedicated password manager app like LastPass, 1Password Dashlane to securely store passwords
  • Setup two-factor authentication (2FA) for accounts providing the option
  • For low risk sites, use the same base password with variations
  • Provide password hints to help memory but don't store passwords openly

Beware of Phishing and Keyloggers

  • Look out for spoofed login pages asking for passwords
  • Don't download apps or files from unverified sources
  • Use antivirus software and firewalls to block malware

Common Password Myths

There are some password related misconceptions worth busting:

Myth: Providing answers to secret questions keeps accounts safe

Reality: Secret question answers are often easy to find or guess, offering little security.

Myth: Changing passwords frequently is better

Reality: Forcing users to change passwords leads to minor tweaks that make passwords weak.

Myth: Two-factor authentication makes very complex passwords unnecessary

Reality: 2FA provides an extra layer of security but strong passwords are still essential as the first line of defense.

By keeping these tips in mind and using strong unique passwords for every account, you can ensure maximum security for your online presence and sensitive data. Be vigilant against phishing attempts and consider using a dedicated password manager for convenience.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long should my password be?

For important accounts use passwords with a minimum length of 12 characters. For low-risk websites, 8-10 characters is reasonable. Length protects against brute force attacks.

2. Should I use personal information in my passwords?

No, avoid using personal information like your name, birthday or anniversaries in passwords, as it is easy to find via social media, making passwords weak.

3. Is there a 100% secure password?

There is no such thing as an unhackable password. Length, complexity, uniqueness and proper management are key to making passwords highly secure.

4. How many unique passwords should I have?

Ideally use a separate, randomly generated password for every account. Reusing passwords across sites is risky if one account gets hacked.

5. What is the best way to remember complex passwords?

Use password manager apps to securely store and retrieve passwords across devices. For important passwords, write them down offline and store securely.


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