Sunday 17 December 2023

Is Google's New Multimodal Gemini AI Really Superior to ChatGPT? Examining Current Capabilities and Future Potential

Google Unveils Gemini AI - But Is It Really Better Than ChatGPT?

Google recently announced Gemini, its new multimodal AI model designed to compete with OpenAI's wildly popular ChatGPT. While both leverage generative AI to produce new data, Gemini handles multiple input and output types natively.

This article examines if Gemini's capabilities truly surpass ChatGPT and the GPT-4 model behind it.

Google Gemini vs Chat gpt

Table of Contents

  • Overview of Gemini vs ChatGPT
  • Gemini's Multimodal Strengths
  • Current Limitations vs GPT-4
  • Exciting Potential Future
  • The Takeaway

Gemini vs ChatGPT Models Compared

Like ChatGPT stems from the GPT neural network architecture, Google's conversational Bard app is based on LaMDA. Gemini essentially upgrades Bard's foundations as Google's first natively multimodal LMM.

While ChatGPT-4 can accept speech input via Whisper speech translation, Gemini directly handles audio, video, images and text within one core model. This avoids reliance on intermediary translation steps.

OpenAI's GPT-4Vision operates similarly by combining outputs from Dall-E 2 and Whisper separately.

Gemini's Native Multimodality - Its Strengths

Gemini's integrated support for varied inputs and outputs within a single large neural network framework hints at more sophisticated future capacities.

For instance, direct video training could enable intuitive understanding of physical concepts like gravity or object permanence. This "naïve physics" exceeds pure text comprehension.

By consolidating modalities into a unified model, Gemini also avoids compounding errors from multiple translations.

But Current Limitations vs ChatGPT-4

However, recent qualitative tests imply Gemini 1.0 Pro, the publicly available version, remains inferior to GPT-4 in general language mastery. Its capabilities allegedly resemble GPT-3.5 presently.

While an unreleased Gemini 1.0 Ultra version reputedly surpasses GPT-4, absent independent validation, definitive comparisons are impossible currently.

Google's misleading demo featuring improbable real-time visual comprehension further obscures objective evaluations.

So the consensus is that Gemini shows immense promise but still trails OpenAI models in development.

Exciting Future Possibilities

Despite present limitations, introducing multimodal architectures paves the way for future generative AI with even greater mastery of our world by efficiently harnessing more training data.

As models ingest escalating volumes of images, videos, and speech, they inch closer to matching human contextual understanding.

On the competitive front, Gemini finally furnishes a rival that could accelerate innovations industry-wide following OpenAI's recent dominance. We eagerly await GPT-5 to surpass Gemini in return.

The Takeaway

While Gemini does not definitively top ChatGPT yet, its consolidated support for multiple data types presages next-generation AI with more well-rounded comprehension that tightly couples language, visuals, and audio.

As Google and OpenAI leapfrog each other's capabilities over coming years, generative AI will achieve unprecedented mastery of knowledge across every mode of information to provide solutions exceeding what we thought possible today.


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